Sunday, May 9

New shoes

Samuel went shoe shopping with me yesterday. He told me to take my time and he suggested other stores to look at. He even helped me pick out shoes. Then he carried the bag.


armacleod said...

Hey you are still alive! Nice shoes BTW. It is extremely important that a guy can survive shopping for one pair of shoes. I don't know about the 10 in one day runs but 1 a day or 2 a day should be pretty possible.

Anonymous said...

those shoes are beautiful. And your boyfriend is really nice for helping you pick out shoes. Can he talk to Tony about that?

Jackie said...

Nice!! It is very important that he understand your love and need for shoes but even better when he participates. Good job Samuel!!

Lynn said...

He's a keeper! (and so are the shoes!)

Beloved said...

sounds thoughtful.. I totally don't get the shoe love though.