Okay, I know that the last post says I posted it over a month ago, but then I came back to Korea and everything was in Korean and I didn't know what buttons to push to make it do what I wanted. A friend came over today and I asked her to tell me what everything meant, so I think I have it figured out. Thanks Christen!
When I got back to Korea I had to get used to the heat again. I had forgotten just how hot it is here. Fortunately, it has now cooled off enough that I don't have to have my air conditioner on all the time. It has rained almost everyday for the last three weeks, but there was no rain today so we were all very happy. I even saw blue sky for a few minutes!
I look forward to seeing most of you soon, although I feel like I just saw you, but it will be nice anyway.
Get better soon Grandma.