Tuesday, September 18

Yucky bug!

I went into my bedroom yesterday and I thought that there was a spider on the floor. That was bad enough, but then I looked closer. That is not a spider! I have no idea what it is. It totally freaked me out. It jumped!! I dropped a container on top of it and then had to leave the room and freak out for a bit before I came to my senses and thought that I should take pictures of it so you could see it too. If you look closely you can see that it spikey things on its bum and extra mouth parts. It had really long antenna too. When I started taking pictures it turned around and came to the edge and looked at me. Creepy. When I was finished with the photo shoot I took the container outside and dropped the bug out the window. A three floor drop probably did it good. I live on the third floor. That bug has no wings. How did it get into my apartment? I hope I never have to see anything like it again.

See, it's looking at you.


Joyce said...

Stupid blog. I already wrote comments, but it wouldn't let me leave them because I hadn't signed up with google. So then I signed up and they deleted my previous comments. You're missing out too, because they were amusing, but I hate to repeat myself in type, it might get redundant.

Joyce said...

So more comments: That's a gross bug. I would also freak out. Ew, get out of my room you disgusting creature. I like the part where you had to leave the room to freak out before you could do anything about it. I wonder if it would have made a pleasant crunching sound if you had killed it. Cuz sometimes the sound of death is a good thing. "Die!!!" as you stomp your foot on top of the bugs at camp. Wha ha ha! (evil laugh in type, does is come across well?)

Joyce said...

Okay, more.

It's almost like a grasshopper. Yuck. I shudder as I type the word grasshopper.

And also, it says I'm leaving these comments at 5 something in the morning. It's not. It's 2 something in the afternoon. Just thought you might want to know.

Jackie said...

Yep, that is very disgusting. I would of freaked out too but I think i would of squished it or stomped on it and made sure it was dead. I don't know if dropping it out the window would of assured me it was dead. It looks like it has a hard outer shell that would of protected it from such a demise.

Robin said...

I didn't want to squish it because I didn't want to get goo on my shoe.

Pamela said...

I dealt with Yucky bugs in Brasil, can Korean yucky bugs be so much worse I wonder?? Do bugs actually have bums?? I agree with Joyce, it looks like a grasshopper...a nasty Korean grasshopper! YUCK!