Tuesday, February 3

When did a rodent learn to predict the weather?

Does anyone else think that Groundhog's day is stupid? Who had the stupid idea that a rodent could predict the end of winter? Apparently both Wireton Willie and the other one, whose name I can't spell, and died several years ago but won't let that stop him, predicted six more weeks of winter. No kidding! I don't need a rodent to tell me that. This is Saskatchewan people! Of course there are six more weeks of winter. If we're lucky. If we're not so lucky there will be more.

Here are my predictions. No, I didn't check out my shadow to make these predictions, I just made them up, just now. I'll bet my predictions are just as accurate as the groundhogs'.
It will snow four more times. One of those times will be toward the end of April.
We will continue to complain about the cold for at least two more moths. Then we will complain about puddles. Then we will complain about mosquitoes. Then the cold again.
Some stupid teenager will wear shorts to school in early March. He will be cold, but will be determined that it is spring. The groundhog said so.

Don't let a rodent make your decisions. Think for yourself.


Jackie said...

Is this what you were thinking about when you were sitting on my couch this afternoon? I try not to let rodents make decisions for me but there have been times when their presence has made me do such...and it was good. LOL. I guess they didn't make decisions for me, they just helped me make a decision I may not of had they not been present

armacleod said...

I think people are better at predicting weather then rodents are. I imagine that there is some sort of innate weather sensing ability that allows them to note a change in the pressure system, something that is closely related to weather change. Humans have that too. Most of them refer to it by the "bum knee" or any other body part that was injured and healed, (but not the same.) But beyond that to predict months in the future of weather? Naw. The rodent would need to learn to read and then consult the Farmer's Almanac before being able to predict when a season is going to end.

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

sounds to me like you don't think Saskatchewan's such a great place to live. maybe you should think about...oh i dunno...maybe Korea?! have you thought about moving back?! ; )