Monday, January 28

Beauty and the Beast

I'll start with beauty because it is so much nicer. These are my new shoes. Aren't they pretty? Joyce, these are the shoes I told you I had to go buy. I saw these shoes in October and I absolutely loved them, but I decided that I didn't really need them. I'm not sure why I decided that, because of course I need green snake-skin pumps, who doesn't? Everytime I walked past them I would stop and stare for a while and then sigh and move on. It's not like I walked past them often, the store is in Seoul. I was in Seoul this weekend and I decided that if the shoes were still there I would buy them this time. After a conversation with Joyce in which we decided that having 31 pairs of shoes is wrong, it's a prime number, you can't have a prime number it just doesn't work, I decided that I had to go buy more shoes. In case you were wondering, we decided that 36 is a much better number to have, so I may go buy more shoes. These ones also come in black, and I still don't have sneakers. And a note on how wonderful Samuel is, when I said I wanted to go buy shoes, instead of pointing out that I already had 31 pairs, he just smiled and said "okay, let's go", and then he admired them with me. Isn't he great? Tony, take note.
And now for the beast. This is in the hallway just outside of my door. I thought it was my neighbours' laundry, because they always hang their laundry to dry in the hallway. I wasn't really looking. Who wants to examine the neighbours' laundry? Then I noticed that there was a funny smell, so I turned and saw the dead fish hanging there. Isn't that a pleasant surprise? The things you see in Korea.

In other news, I'm going to Malaysia on Saturday! Yay! I'm going with Rachel and Julie. We will be there for a few days and then we'll go to Singapore for a few days. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.

Happy birthday to Dad, Phaedra, and Xavier. I bought you presents. One of these days I'll get around to mailing them. Happy birthday anyway. Monica, I think you did a great job on Phaedra's cake, but I will gladly take my job back next year. I look forward to it.


Jackie said...

Those are GREAT shoes!! And I totally agree with you and Joyce...a girl can never have to many shoes!!I'm glad there are other people out there who support my fetish!! Hope you and Rachel and Julie have fun sight seeing. I am jealous

Jackie said...

Those are GREAT shoes!! And I totally agree with you and Joyce...a girl can never have to many shoes!!I'm glad there are other people out there who support my fetish!! Hope you and Rachel and Julie have fun sight seeing. I am jealous

Anonymous said...

Cool shoes. Too bad we don't have the same size feet because I need more cool shoes and I have lots of runner. Those fish are gross!

armacleod said...

Ahh. The delights of a mostly sensible shoe shopper.

FourLeafClover said...

Lol...! Somehow I think that one day you are going to look back and say "Remember when I only owned 36 pairs of shoes?"

Pamela said...

Those are wonderful shoes! I like shoes too. Unfortunately Indian women have small feet therefore I cannot buy shoes here. Sigh