Thursday, December 18
In case you haven't heard yet...
Tuesday, December 9
Pray this for someone today
Ephesians 1:16-19
I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparable great power for us who believe.
Isn't that amazing? Don't you want someone to pray that for you? I know I do. I want the spirit of wisdom and revelation. I want to know God better. I'm sure you all do.
Here's what I want you to do. Pick someone, or several someones and pray this for them. Pray it for yourself while you're at it. Let's find out what kind of difference it makes.
Thursday, November 27
Yep, it's been a while
Let me give you a better update though. Samuel reapplied for a visitors visa. We decided to get the visa guy that Joyce knew to help. Thanks to Mom and Dad, and the other people who contributed to this. Now we just have to wait. I hope I don't have to wait long. I promise I will let you all know when I know something more.
I have only two weeks and two days left of my internship. I'm teaching full time right now. Most days I even like it. I'm glad I had the opportunity to work in Korea before I did this. I have changed so much and gained so much confidence in myself. Some days I am surprised with myself. I was sitting in class today, my students were all working, and I thought that there was no way I could have done this two years ago, but look at me now! I have to say that I am quite proud of myself.
Friday, October 24
Thursday, October 23
Bah Humbug!
I was looking forward to Christmas, but now I don't care. I would rather it never came. Christmas was the end. I could stop waiting. Now I don't know when the end is. When can I stop waiting? My first Christmas in Canada in two years, and I'm going to spend it crying. It was supposed to be the best Christmas ever. Not anymore.
Wednesday, October 15
71 days
Tuesday, October 7
Prayers please
Monday, September 22
100 things about me: Part 4
61) I think about every other sentence I have said since I got back from Korea has started with "In Korea", or "When I was in Korea", so something like that. I don't know how else to talk yet. It was my life for the last two years. If it annoys you, let me know. I probably won't care, but at least I would know if I am annoying you. I understand, sort of, why women only seem to talk about their babies. They don't know what else to talk about. You talk about your life. My life was Korea, now I have to learn something else. Could be fun. Maybe.
62) Stepping on crunchy leaves makes me giggle. It doesn't matter how grouchy I am or how bad my day was, if I step on leaves, I am instantly happy. That is partly why I really like fall. I love stepping on the leaves. The colours are nice, too.
63) Diane's keyboard drives me crazy. She set it up for Canadian English, so now when I push the apostrophe button, I get this รจ. To get an apostrophe I have to press shift and the comma button. I don't know what I would have to push to get a less than sign. Fortunately I don't need it very often. The question mark is shift 6. Weird. Interestingly, the computer told me I spelled colours wrong. It thinks it should be colors. How annoying.
64) I am updating this now as a way to procrastinate from doing the work I actually should be doing. I am really good at finding anything else to do than the work I need to do. I should be marking tests and making lesson plans. Later.
65) I like to go back to bed for a little bit after I take a shower in the morning. I get out of the shower, and get back into bed. I have to get up earlier than necessary so I can do this. I suppose I could just sleep a little longer, but I would still want to go back to bed, so this works for me.
66) I don,t like talking on the phone that much. I can never think of something to say. I find small talk difficult anyway, but it is way harder on the phone.
67) My dislike of talking on the phone is not conducive to a long distance relationship. I'm working on it. I suppose it's okay not to talk every second. I don't always talk every second when I'm actually face to face with someone, so it's okay on the phone, but it seems like a waste. There is something about the phone that makes me feel like there needs to be conversation every second. I'll have to get over that. (The computer also tells me that okay is spelled wrong.)
68) I don't like having a long distance relationship. Who does, really? I knew that it wouldn't be very much fun, but what did I know? I decided that I had to come back to finish my degree. It's my fault. I'll just have to put up with it for now. I plan to go back to Korea when I'm finished my degree so I don't have to have a long distance relationship. It's only for a little while longer. I'll just keep telling myself that.
69) I can't wait for Christmas. Samuel is going to visit, if all the visa stuff works out, and I will be finished interning. I haven't been home for Christmas in two years, so it will be great for many reasons.
70) I worry that my students don't take my seriously because I look like I should be in their class, not teaching it. One of students asked me how old I am because she said I didn't look old enough to be an intern. I am six years older than the other intern at the school. I'm sure that when I am older I will appreciate looking younger than I really am, but right now I would be very happy to look 27. I would be okay with that.
71) I'm really bad with money. If I have money I spend it. I am really bad at saving any. I need to learn how to save money. It's a life skill I haven't learned yet.
72) I used to think that I needed to be married before I was 25. That's the way life works, right? Now I think people are stupid to get married before they are 25. I don't think you have enough time to know who you really are before then.
73) My personal space has gotten smaller since going to Korea. I get annoyed at people for leaving three feet of space after the person in front of them in line. Is that really necessary? Why do we have so much personal space anyway? Do we think that if we get within arms reach of someone that something bad will happen to us? Is it an invasion of privacy? I don't get it. Think about it. I know it's what we're used to, but why?
74) I really like reality T.V. Not shows like Survivor, but shows like Restaurant Makeover, Hell's Kitchen, and So You Think You Can Dance. Reality that actually is reality. Game shows are also good. Lingo and Wipe Out. Does Wipe Out count as a game show?
75) I wish I actually spoke multiple languages. I know words in several languages, but I would actually like to have a conversation in one of them other than English. I can swear quite well in Korean, but I only know three sentences, one of which is "I am not a pervert." Surprisingly, that is not a sentence you need very often.
76) I hate studying. That is probably why I don't speak multiple languages. I have started to study languages. I studied French in high school, Spanish for two years in university. I studied Korean for long enough to learn the alphabet and a little more. I think part of it is that I never had to study in school, so I never learned how to study, and now I don't know how to make myself do it. How do you learn how to study?
77) I am so not a natural leader. If there is anyone who shows any interest in being the leader, or who has a dominant personality, I will almost always let them take over. I'm sort of a push over this way. I can be bossy. I can be the leader if I have to, but I don't like to.
78) I like living by myself. I get lots of time by myself, and I can walk around with no pants on. It's great. On the other hand, I have to do my own dishes. Maybe I should get disposable dishes.
79) I have found Doritos disappointing. I know. I was surprised too. I love Doritos. I craved them. Then I came back to Canada, and I don't want them anymore. I think it's because they don't have the black pepper jack flavour anymore. That was so good. Cool ranch is good, but I liked black pepper jack more. What happened to it? I want it back.
80) I really miss Samuel. I have conversations with him in my head. Okay, sometimes out loud while I'm driving. He doesn't answer, so I fill in his part too. I wish he could fill in his part.
Monday, September 8
So, for those of you who don't know, I just started my internship at a high school in a small town. It's quite a change from Korea. I'm trying to get used to it. It's going okay so far. I'm counting down already. 14 more weeks. I can do that. I actually do like teaching. I just don't like the paper work that the university expects to go with it. They make up silly stuff. Right now I am teaching a grade 11 math class, and a general math class that has all the students who need to be constantly prodded to do any work. I will get another class to teach in about three weeks. I think it will be grade 12 math. Maybe physics. I got a phone today. You can ask Dad for my number if you want it.
That's all for now. I will try to say more next week.
Saturday, August 23
Why does a number make such a difference?
I think that as a society, we would be better off if we stopped being weight obsessed. Stop going by numbers. The numbers really don't matter. What matters is how we feel about ourselves. The number makes us feel bad about ourselves. So why do we look at it? Why do we have to know what that number is? The number will never be what we think it should be. Knowing it will only make us hate ourselves.
From now on I will refuse to let a number control me. I don't want to know what it is. I will not give a number control. I will go by how good my ass looks in these jeans. It looks good you know.
Thursday, August 14
Come on people!
I saw this guy today. He was wearing sweat pants. Going comando. Not only that, the elastic in the waist, or the drawstring, was not tight enough, so the pants were low riding. Lots of hairy butt crack was visible. Ewww. Oh, and his hands were full so he couldn't pull his pants up. Why? Why did he think it was acceptable to go out like that? Because it isn't! Sweat pants are only to be worn in your house when there is no posibility that anyone will see you. Okay, you can also wear them when you are sick, but you should still be in your house. There is nothing attractive about sweat pants. Especially on guys. Get real clothes. Comfort is no excuse for ugly.
That is my rant for today.
Oh ya. I'm back in Canada. It's cold. But the food is good.
Friday, August 1
Coming home
See you all soon.
Wednesday, July 30
Black Belt
This is my name on my black belt. We wanted them to write our names in Korean. They put Craig's in English and spelled it wrong. We figured they couldn't get it wrong in Korean, and it's cooler that way.
Monday, July 14
Think happy thoughts
So, happy thoughts. I will get to see all you guys soon. 21 days. I will get to go shopping and find clothes that actually fit. I will get to play with those kids that are doing all of their growing up without me. I suppose I could even babysit Xavier and Niles just for old times' sake. I'm sure they would appreciate it. I can go to a Rider game. Play my trumpet. At the same time even. I can go to a restaurant and not have to sit on the floor, and not have the wait staff be afraid to speak to me. They might have to speak English you know. I still want a good hamburger. I can have one in three weeks.
I am excited to go home. I really am. I just don't want to leave. Oh well. I can always come back.
Sunday, July 6
Mixed feelings
Monday, June 23
Black Belt Test!!!!!
Here we had just finished the first form and were waiting to move on to the next one. The judge was writing down our numbers, that's why we are all facing the side.
This is one of the forms we had to show. There are eight forms required to get your black belt. We had to show three of them. We knew that we would have to do number eight, but the other two we found out just before we had to show them. I wanted to do numbers six and seven. I really didn't want to do numbers four and five. We got out there and found out that we were doing four, five, and eight. I was not very happy about that. I think I did okay, even if those ones were not my best.
I was going to put on more, but it won't work right now. I will put on more later.Wednesday, June 11
Oooh. Pretty.
Monday, May 19
100 things about me: Part 3
41) I think I'm on the right number. Sometimes I forget things like that. I actually did look back on my previous posts so I would remember what I had already told you, but it didn't occur to me to see what the last number was. I'm also lazy, as well as forgetful, so I'm not going back to look. I'm sure one of you will check for me and let me know if I'm wrong. Thanks.
42) I think as I'm getting older, my springtime allergies are getting worse. I like to take pictures of trees and flowers, but at the moment I don't like the real ones so much. I am liking my antihistamines a lot though.
43) I think I must be getting old. Everytime I see, or hear a baby, I think, "aww. I want one of those." Then I tell myself "no, you don't." Stupid clocks. I'll just have to enjoy everybody else's babies. It's a good thing other people have babies for me to appreciate. Wow, how was that for not trivial?
44) I am getting much better at being myself with people. I think that's because now I know more of who myself is, did that make any sense? I am much more comfortable with who I am now, and that makes is easier to share me with other people. See, still not trivial. Good for me.
45) I like the "new Robin" way more than the "old Robin". This is how I describe me now and me before I came to Korea. "Old Robin" was boring. "New Robin" is way more fun. I like me more now. I hope you all will, too.
46) I really hate when people fight. Even when people are grouchy at each other. It makes me so uncomfortable and I want to go hide in a different room so I can escape the tension. I have a very sensitive tension sensor. I notice.
47) I don't do grouchy very well. Probably because of the previous entry. I don't like when people are grouchy at each other, so when I'm grouchy I tend to stay away from people. I don't want to create tension.
48) I'm getting grouchy a lot lately. People stare at me. It's annoying. I'm tired of being a freak. I'm tired of people thinking they need to talk to me. It must be time to leave.
49) I am procrastinating from packing. If I pack it means that I'm leaving. I don't want to leave, but I really do. It's confusing and frustrating and sad, all at the same time. I want to go home, but I don't want to leave. Does that make sense to anyone?
50) Okay, let's get trivial. Garlic makes me gassy. That's really unfortunate in a country where garlic is added to practically everything. Oh well. Everyone gets gas. It's nothing to be embarassed about.
51) I like to paint my toenails. I feel naked when I don't have colour on my toes. Right now my toenails are purple. They're pretty. I have to think about what colour my toes are when I decide what shoes to wear. My shoes can't clash with my toes. It's not a problem in the winter, as I don't show my toes, but now that it's summer, it's a major concern.
52) I like to have popcorn for breakfast, preferably air-popped. With orange juice. I see nothing wrong with that. I haven't actually had popcorn for breakfast in a long time because I don't have a popcorn popper, or a microwave. Makes it harder to make popcorn. I only have popcorn when I go to the movies. The popcorn at the movies is cheap here, so I always have popcorn at the movies.
53) I bought shoes today. I knew as I was paying for them that I really didn't need new shoes and that I had to pack and all the sensible things that I should have been thinking to talk myself out of it. And then I bought them anyway. Even when I am trying to be sensible I can find a reason to buy shoes. I didn't have black flip-flops with a heel. That's a good enough reason.
54) I don't like to wear pants. Who needs pants? I get home from work and take my pants off. I'm starting to think that a nuddist colony would be great. Maybe a little cold.
55) I'm quite excited about getting my black belt in taekwondo. This is totally not something I would have done before. I am definately not a sporty type person. Getting my black belt is so out of character for me. I love it. I'm just full of surprises. My test is in a month. Cool.
56) I can't actually admit that I'm excited about stuff. That would require, you know, showing emotions, whatever those are, and that is not something that I do. So, disregard that last comment. I never would have said anything like that.
57) I totally forgot what I was going to say. It was good too. Hmm. I wonder what it was. Oh well, I'll tell you something else. I can't sleep with my hair down. I have to braid it so Ican sleep. If my hair is loose it gets all over the place and I end up pulling my own hair when I roll over, and that's really annoying.
58) I hate when pictures are crooked on the wall. I am much to, well the best word is 'anal', to allow pictures to be crooked. There is a restaurant here where the pictures are intentionally hung crookedly on the wall, and screwed into place so they can't be moved. It drives me crazy. I have to very carefully not look at the walls. I get too distracted if I do. It's like Diane with mirrors.
59) I'm almost as obsessed with mirrors as Diane is. I like to look at myself in the mirror, provided, of course, that I have done my makeup. There is one mirror at taekwondo that I don't like to stand in front of because it's what I call a "fat mirror". You just can't look good in that mirror. The one next to it is so much better. It's a nice mirror. I'll stand in front of that one.
60) I don't like to look in the mirror in the bathroom in the dark. I think this goes way back to elemetary school where the girls at a sleep over would tell the story of "Bloody Mary" and tell you that if you said her name three times while turning around in the dark in front of the mirror she would show up behind you. I still don't look in the mirror in the dark. I know it's stupid, but that's how it goes. Oh, and there are alligators under the bed, too, so you have to jump. We weren't allowed to have monsters, so we had alligators instead.
Okay, that's your "learn about Robin" session for this month. I hope you enoyed it. Now it's late so I'm going to go to bed. Good night.
Wednesday, May 7
Yes, I am still alive.
Last weekend was a long weekend. Monday was a national holiday. It was children's day. Any reason for a holiday is good for me. We crammed as much into the weekend as we could. On Saturday Rachel and Leah and I went to the Hanji Festival in Jeonju. Hanji is traditional paper made out of mulberry bark. The festival included a parade with costumes made out of paper and a marching band playing traditional Korean instruments.
Tuesday, April 22
More flowers and trees
Thursday, April 17
Cherry blossoms
Last Wednesday was election day here. To encourage everyone to go out and vote, it is a national holiday. Not wanting to waste a day off in the middle of the week we decided to go for a car trip to see the cherry blossoms in bloom. We went to a nearby national park called Naejansan.
There was a little babbling brook going through the park. I took lots of pictures because it was pretty.
As the whole purpose of the trip was to see cherry blossoms, and to have a barbeque, I thought I would give you a few cherry blossom pictures. We didn't have the barbeque. The rain didn't let up all day. This is a close up of the cherry blossoms.
And now a road lined with cherry trees. I have to say that cherry trees are very photogenic so all the pictures I took look good even if some were fuzzy.
I think I have done enough procrastinating for now. I should make some more lesson plans so I will know what I am teaching next week.
Sunday, April 6
High School
Tuesday, March 25
14,000 things to be thankful for
- the smell of the linen closet.
- new sheet day
- the snap of the taekwondo pads when you get the kick just right
- the 'ding' of my oven timer. I just love it. It means the cookies are ready.
- the sound of rain on the roof
- the smell of rain. You know the smell. Kind of like wet sidewalks.
- Big worms on the sidewalk after the rain. It rained this week okay.
- a well stocked bookshelf.
- the smell of tomato vines
- raspberries
- laundry fresh out of the dryer. I would really like to be thankful for this.
- a glassy smooth lake with the sunsetting over it.
- ham
- pretty shoes
- stepping on crunchy leaves
- stepping on that cool ice with the air bubbles underneath
- marching bands
- playing in the flour container
- new notebooks or stationery
- chocolate
- blankets to wrap up in when it's a little chilly
- floor heat. Got to love it.
- when the trees are starting to get leaves and there's a kind of green haze all over
- hoar frost
- the smell of snow when you get up early in the winter to go to Grandma's house.
- the smell of fresh bread
- eating fresh bread with butter and cheese
- sitting around doing nothing with friends
- nintendo night with slurpees and lots of giggles
- licorice
- the northern lights
- loons on the lake at night
- hot chocolate at camp
- wild blueberries
- stepping on grasshoppers
- heavy blankets on you feet when you go to sleep
- waking up to your alarm and then remembering that you don't have to get up so you can just turn it off and go back to sleep
- flowers
- bamboo windchimes
- stained glass windows
- old church buildings
- church family
- singing with everybody
- potluck
- small groups
- sitting around after church and visiting for a long time
- church in English
- God's unfathomable love
- when you can feel God's presence
- hope
Okay, I think I will stop there. I'm sure I could think of more things to be thankful for, but I will let you continue the list.
Sunday, March 23
He is risen!
Praise the Lord! He is risen! We have so much hope because the tomb is empty. Jesus died so that we could have eternal life. I look forward to that. Eternal life with God will be wonderful. Praising God forever. Wow. Sounds great. I hope it's lots of singing. Singing with other believers always makes me happy, and I'm sure it will be even better when I don't worry about getting a note wrong. I am so thankful that Jesus took my sin so that I can be with God forever. What a wonderful gift. I should be thankful everyday, but sometimes I forget. Today is Easter, so it's easy to remember to thank God for the gift of his son. Easter is my favorite holiday. I always look forward to it. I could try harder to get that Easter feeling everyday. Imagine how cool that would be.
He is risen indeed! (C is for cookie)
Tuesday, March 11
A momentous event!
I think I have procrastinated from my homework for long enough now, but I'm sure I can still think of something else to do. Some of you will probably get an email tonight. I can always think of something to do other than homework.
Thursday, March 6
A mini vacation
We got to go swimming with dolphins. Another thing you don't get to do in Saskatchewan. They were pink dolphins. After swimming with them we stuck around to watch the show so I got to take some cool pictures.
After the dolphin show and another stint on the beach we headed over to the aquarium. I love this picture. Jellyfish are pretty. We also saw sea dragons and unicorn fish.
This mini vacation was nice. I should do it more often.
Sunday, March 2
Random ramblings
- Well, I was going to revisit my vacation and show you my favourite pictures and try to get back the vacation good mood, but for some reason I can't put pictures on today. I will try again later. For now I will just ramble on and give you some random thoughts. I had mashed potatoes today. It was very exciting. I know, who thinks mashed potatoes are exciting? I do. Last week I was teaching and there was a picture of a family eating dinner and they were eating mashed potatoes and all I could think of was ham with buttery mashed potates and peas. Unfortunately I can't get ham here, but I can get potatoes, so I made mashed potatoes for lunch today. They were really good too. Someone will have to eat ham for me and tell me all about it. I will be very jealous. I promise.
- I called Diane's house today because I knew Joyce would be there so I thought I could talk to Diane and Joyce at the same time. I discovered that there was a baby shower. I got to talk to a lot more people than Joyce and Diane. It was a lot of fun. Xavier even let me talk to Patience. Nancy talked to me for a minute but then the baby started fussing so she either had to give up the baby or the phone. She gave up the phone. I got to talk to Monica then. Nancy did talk to me again later. If I didn't get to talk to you today, hi.
- I have been very lazy today. I haven't really done more than making potatoes. I still haven't washed the dishes from making the potatoes. Or the dished from yesterday for that matter. I'll get to it, but as I said earlier, I hate washing dishes. When Samuel visited last weekend he washed the dishes for me. Wasn't that nice of him? He must like me or something. No, I didn't have dishes from several days sitting in the sink when he got here. I cooked. Real food. It was good too.
- I'm listening to country music right now. Isn't that weird? I even like it. Carrie Underwood. I thought I should broaden my music collection.
- I'm out of random thoughts for now. I will try to post again later this week.
Sunday, February 24
100 things about me. Part 2
So I can't think of anything more interesting to write about, so I will continue talking about myself. I'm interesting. Actually, writing about me is rather educational for me. I'm learning lots about myself.
21) one of my favourite books is As the Crow Flies by Jeffrey Archer. I think I've read it at least 10 times. Everytime I read it I notice something new. I never get tired of reading it and althought I know how it ends I still can't put it down when I get close to the end because I have to keep reading to fnd out what happens next. It's a really good book. If you haven't read it you really should.
22) My favourite book of all times is The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. I think I like it so much because I identify with Valancy. I see a lot of myself in her character. Everytime I read it I think that I should start saying exactly what I think and do whatever I want. You may not believe this, but I don't actually say everything I think. Really.
23) I read the Amityville Horror about 15 years ago and it still scares me. I think statues of lions are really creepy because of this book.
24) I like books. I know, shocking. I have a lot of them. I keep buying them even though I know I can't take them all home with me. I'm not sure how I will be able to part with my books here. It will be hard. I'll stop talking about books now.
25) It really bothers me when people point out to me that I got a sunburn. Do you think I didn't notice? Trust me, I know. You don't have to tell me. If I go outside I will get a sunburn, even with sunscreen. Side effect of being a pale red-head.
26) I am really disappointed that Skittles changed the green from lime to green apple. How does green apple go with orange and lemon? Why would I want green apple when I could have lime? I just don't understand.
27) When I was in elementary school I wanted to be an author. I still think I should write a book. I have ideas and one of these days I may get around to writing those ideas down. My life's ambition no longer is to be an author, but I think it would still be fun.
28) I don't like cashews. I think I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like them. I know, it's weird, but I think they kind of taste rotten.
29) One of my biggest fears is looking stupid. I think that's what holds me back a lot. I don't want to do things because I think I won't be good at it and I'll look dumb for trying so it's better to not try. I am getting over this a little, but I worry about it a lot.
30) I love to cook but I don't usually bother to cook for myself. I don't really see the point when I am the only one eating it so I usually end up eating salad or sandwiches. I like to cook when other people are going to eat it. I can't resist showing off.
31) I wish that I hadn't been so shy when I was in high school. I think I would have had way more fun. As it is, I don't have many good memories from school because I was too shy and quiet to actually do anything.
32) I'm really scared of ticks. I still remember the first time I saw one. I don't know how old I was, but I know I was young because I was sleeping in a crib at Grandma Taylor's house in the girls' room. A tick crawled across my pillow and freaked me out. I have been scared of them ever since.
33) I really need to dust. I can see a layer of dust on my bookshelves, but I probably won't get around to dusting for a very long time. Dusting goes with washing dishes as something I really don't like to do.
34) I hate the sound of swallowing. You know when you take a drink and swallow loudly? That sound. I can't even make that sound. I know Joyce can, and Xavier is really good at it. There was a commercial on TV here that had the sound. I drove me creazy.
35) Computers are a mystery to me. I don't know anything about them. When people start in with the computer talk I hear "blah blah blah". I don't understand anything they say. Sometimes it bothers me that I have absolutely no clue about computers, but mostly I just don't care.
36) When I was on vacation I went two whole days without wearing makeup. It was hard, but I managed. I have worn makeup everyday since.
37) I'm finding this very difficult today. I keep thinking of something I could say and then think that no one would care about that. The self-depricating attitude is not very helpful.
38) I love to look at the stars. I like to just sit outside and look. It's very relaxing.
39) I joined taekwondo last summer because Leah nagged me. I'm glad she did because I really like it. I have never been a sporty person, but I think I could be with the right kind of sports. Not basketball.
40) Sometimes I like to take a nap right before bedtime. I like to fall asleep on the couch and then get up and go to bed. I am so my father.
Sunday, February 17
Okay, you can stop wondering. I'll talk.
Tuesday, February 12
Be very, very jealous
Monday, February 11
Monday, January 28
Beauty and the Beast
And now for the beast.
In other news, I'm going to Malaysia on Saturday! Yay! I'm going with Rachel and Julie. We will be there for a few days and then we'll go to Singapore for a few days. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures.
Happy birthday to Dad, Phaedra, and Xavier. I bought you presents. One of these days I'll get around to mailing them. Happy birthday anyway. Monica, I think you did a great job on Phaedra's cake, but I will gladly take my job back next year. I look forward to it.